Tq Abg Salleh yg sudi dtg di parti tupperware di Kepong.Rumah Puan Norma Awang Had. Puan Norma dapat merecruit seorang consultant.
Hari itu juga adik beliau Norazlina Awang Had pun hadir sama.
Terima kasih sebab jemput kami....
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Dear everyone,
ReplyDeleteCareful of YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) because this man is cheating and disturbing of many people’s wives, and also cheating of Buddhist Temple (SAMNAK SAMBODHI)’s money.
Recently, many people know in what he”yip” did, please stay far from him. He is lawyer, Datuk, MCA Chairman and etc. or everyone can research at Website “YIP KUM FOOK”
Loh Guan Lye
Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
Tuan-tuan & Puan-puan yang dihormati sekalian
ReplyDeleteDengan dukacitanya di maklumkan sebuah BUDDHIS KUIL SAMNAK SAMBODHI, No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Yang di pimpin oleh MCA Gombak YIP KUM FOOK dan guna (upah) Sami Buddha dari Myanmar menjalankan perniagaan, perkahwinan dan lain-lain di dalam Kuil.
Juga gunakan gelanggang politik dan tempat berkumpul orang asing menjalankan perkara haram......ini sangat-lah memalukan orang yang beragama Buddha.
Harap orang ramai dan kerajaan Negara Malaysia mengambil tindakan, supaya rakyat dan Negara tidak terjahanam
马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师与马华公会鹅唛區会叶君瀚青年圑長, 不但无耻的利用KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI(Thai) No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.宗教之名捞取权和私利之外, 叧一大罪悪是, 他们仗着权势, 甜言蜜語, 誘骗良家少女, 骗财骗色, 三妻四妾, 破坏别人的家庭. 父子两人, 无悪不做, 实是大色狼, 大老千,缺德的败娄.
ReplyDelete今天我把实事公告大家, 是希望公众, 特别是良家少女, 要多多小心, 提防这一娄假面具的佛教徒, 以免一失足成千古恨.
Dear everyone,
ReplyDeleteWe would like to inform everyone about Ven. Ashin Indaka who monk from Myanmar, now he is in Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Temple, No. 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and he asked some money from devotees with who want to become monks in every Chinese New year, for who want to be a monk need to pay RM400 in seven day but now he changed idea to decrease of pay about Rm250 because so many devotees complaint to Temple committee members
In internet, many people comments and complaints but Ven. Ashin Indaka still do same things, why he is not shaming to Buddha and Buddha’s disciples, anyone able researching on name “VEN. ASHIN INDAKA” and president of Temple also done same “YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK)”, this MCA man cheating Temple money and playboy
Hope everyone be careful about both of them (Ven. Ashin Indaka and Yip Kum Fook) and we love and save of Buddhist in Malaysia
Malaysia Buddhist Organisation
Ketua Belia MCA Gombak YIP JIUN HANN,
ReplyDeleteBerkenaan bapa U (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA GOMBAK) bertiga, Empat Isteri dan kaya, itu hal U sendiri,
Mengapa U cuba Menbangkitkan Nama NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. bagi menburukkan nama kebaikannya. U cuba ingat memalukan Muslim?
Yip Jiun Hann, U bukan Muslim kami harap jangan menyetul hal Agama Muslim dan kebaikan NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W.
Kalau tidak kami akan ajar U seperti perkara yang terjadi di U.S.A
Kami Yang Benar,
Kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang dihormati,
ReplyDeleteDengan hormatnya sini, Kami ingin memaklumkan bahawa “MCA GOMBAK” YIP KUM FOOK(YIP KUM FOOK & ASSOCIATES, HIS CAR NUMBER PMC 898) LOW MEI LAN(ISTERI) dan anak mereka YIP JIUN HANN yang berjalan tugas sebagai lawyer di alamat : NO. 2A & 2B, 2ND FLOOR JALAN 53, DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR & LOT 3.55, KOMPLEKS DESA BATU 8, JALAN KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR (YIP JIUN HANN & ASSOCIATES)
Harap semua rakyat Malaysia mengambil perhatian dan jauhkan orang yang tersebut kerana jangan terkena tipu
Mereka sangat jahat dan hatinya hitam(kejam), sanggup menipu wang wanita, merosak keluarga orang lain dan sendirinya memakan wang Temple, SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, NO: 19 JALAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR, dan berpura-pura merepot ke polis resit hilang.........harap perhatian
Sekian dimaklumkan,
Terima Kasih
ReplyDeleteKetua MCA Gombak叶金福(律师)在他当士拉央市议员, 他用权力欺骗公众,特别是妇女和贪污。在甲洞,Gombak,万挠,士拉央和其他地方,他的名声是非常糟糕的。
希望马华党员必须小心, 鳄鱼舌头的人. 保护马华公会的好名声 (YIP KUM FOOK & ASSOCIATES) NO. 2A & 2B, 2ND FLOOR JALAN 53, DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR
“Lebih baik risaukan kita yang belum pasti syuga atau neraka...jangan berbuat dosa mengata sesama manusia.”
Ven. Phra Piya Thammo,
ReplyDeleteRumah Pangsa
Blk A-7-9- Jln Padang Tembak,
11400 Pulau Pinang,
Dear Devotees,
Before I commence of my letter-writing toward. All of you, I would like to inform all of you that I am not satisfy with the lawyer, Dato YIP KUM FOOK (MCA chairman Gombak) due to his bad inspirit impressions because he sent an inspector to come to our SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to arrest me without any good reason, moreover, the lawyer, YIP KUM FOOK is not satisfy with Chief monk.
When the Chief monk had me to go to his Temple already and he went away and left me alone to take care until Chief monk come back to the Temple first and he also told me not to leave the Temple if any committees or the chairman want to chase me out, you don’t leave the Temple at all understand? Then I said, alright? To the chief monk! On the second Day, YIP KUM FOOK(MCA Man) came to our Temple and talk to me. He tired to make some inquiry from me and he asked me, where I come from? I told him that I came from Penang.
Then, I told to the lawyer (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA Man) that the chief monk came to Penang and fetch me and invited me to accompany him to go to his temple in K.L. I am not aware that YIP KUM FOOK(MCA chairman Gombak) is not in a good terms with the chief monk, chief monk already in this way, YIP KUM FOOK try to create trouble with me unnecessary. That is why, the lawyer want to chase me out of the Temple. Then I asked the lawyer, why you want to chase me out of the temple? Moreover, the Temple is not belonging to you, UNDERSATAND? Then, I asked him, who are you? I don’t know you at all, you have no right to chase me or control me at all, UNDERSTAND? You are just like a layman only. Do you know the regulations that any the chairman or committee cannot control the monks and the Nuns at all, also UNDERSTAND?
I scolded him like that. Then the lawyer (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA Man) is not satisfy with me and he told me that he will called the police to come to the Temple and arrest me. I told him to go ahead and called the police to come and arrest me. I won’t run away, I said to him like that. I have done nothing wrong toward you, why you want to arrest me? He said, he doesn’t like me to stay here. I asked him, why? Again. After this he got very angry with me, then he phoned up to the police and the police came to the Temple and told me to leave the Temple.
I told to the inspector of the again, I am sorry, I won’t leave the Temple because the chief monk had instructed me not to leave the Temple without his consent, UNDERSTAND? Then the inspector told me to leave, again. I told him I cannot leave the Temple because the Chief Monk hasn’t come back yet. This time, the inspector got very angry with me and he took out his handcuff and try to threaten me, then I immediately show off my hands for him to lock me up but he scare, then again, the inspector told me leave the Temple again but I still don’t want to leave the Temple.
Then I phoned up to the chief monk again and I told him that the inspector insisted want to arrest me, you better come back to settle the case for me. After this incident, Chief Monk came back to the Temple and take me to go to another temple and stay their. That’s all about this incidents! Last of all, I would like to inform all of you, that no committees or the chairman can control all the monks and Nuns at all also UNDERSTAND? “They are higher than the King,” also! So how can the laymen, the committees and the chairman to control them: – EVEN THE KING ALSO RESPECTED THE MONKS AND NUNS. Why the chairman doesn’t respect the monks and nuns? They will carry the sins later on, UNDERSTAND?
Yours in Dhamma
Ven. Phra Piya Thammo
Penang, Malaysia
Saudara-saudara dan Saudari-saudari yang di hormati
ReplyDeleteUntuk keadilan dan martabat Buddhist, (Maruah Sami Buddhist dan Kuil SAMNAK SAMBODHI) Kami Ahli Parti Keadilan Rakyat tetap akan memberi segala pertolongan bagi mempertahankan, sekiranya Peguam Yip Kum Fook, MCA Pengerusi Gombak terus kacau Sami Buddha atau cuba memusnahkan kebudayaan Buddhist dengan kurang ajar
Ladies and gentlemen are in respect
For justice and values Buddhist, (dignity of monks and the Buddhist Temple of SAMNAK SAMBODHI) We the People's Justice Parti Keadilan Rakyat will continue to give all help to preserve, suppose that lawyer Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak Chairman continues to disturbs Buddhist monks or try to destroy Buddhist culture with disrespectful
为了正义和佛教的尊严,(佛教僧侣和佛寺的荣誉SAMNAK SAMBODHI),我们人民公正党将提供一切帮助保卫,如果马华公会鸱唛区主席叶金福律师(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak) 继续无耻的凌乱僧侣或试图摧毁佛教的文化
Dear everyone,
ReplyDeleteBe careful of YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) because this man is cheating and disturbing of many people's wives, and also cheating of Buddhist Temple (SAMNAK SAMBODHI)'s money.
Recently, many people know in what he"yip" did, please stay far from him. He is lawyer, Datuk, MCA Chairman and etc. or everyone can research at Website "YIP KUM FOOK"
Loh Guan Lye
Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
ReplyDeleteYou don't want to stay, you're angry and you don't want your emotions getting in the way. You just want to walk out of their lives entirely and feel confident and happy about it.
It takes some empowering moments to really show you how happy you can be without them, and you'll never date a cheater again.
But you can't. Because deep down you know it would never be the same. You'll always be glancing at their phone or checking their location, and they'll always be trying to hide what they're doing from you.
We've found the best cheating quotes that will help you remember why you should never take back a cheater, even when you're tempted!
Ah Hock…kepong
Saudara dan saudari yang dikasihi,
ReplyDeleteSaya adalah Myanmar yang bekerja di Malaysia selama lebih dari 10 tahun dan saya ingin menerangkan mengenai PERSATUAN SAMBODHI BUDDHIST SAMNAK. Oleh itu, baru-baru ini saya tinggal di Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary (SBS), Taiping, Perak. Saya sangat rapat dengan Ven. U Nandiya Maha Thero.
Sami saya Ven. U Nandiya adalah hati dan belas kasihan yang sangat baik kepada semua orang di dunia, juga saya dengar ketika dia tinggal di Kuil Buddha Kuala Lumpur, dia meminjamkan wang sumbangan kepada Presiden Kuil (Datuk Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak) dengan jumlah RM20 , 000.00 sahaja dan dia mengatakan bahawa wang adalah milik masyarakat Myanmar di Malaysia.
Sebaliknya, kata bhikkhu saya, juga banyak perkara berlaku semasa dia tinggal di sana kerana jawatankuasa selalu mengganggu, saya sangat sedih dengan perkara itu, mengapa jawatankuasa sangat miskin dan penjahat. Yang lain Kuil, orang datang ke Kuil untuk dihormati Buddha dan Biksu, juga memberikan paket merah kepada para bhikkhu. Mengapa Kuil ini, para bhikkhu mesti memberikan wang kepada jawatankuasa, ini adalah sebaliknya.
Sekiranya ada yang menerima atau membaca mesej ini, sila maklumkan kepada DATUK YIP KUM FOOK untuk mengembalikan jumlah itu kepada rahib saya secepat mungkin.
Tempat hubungan rahib saya:
Ven. U Nandiya
Kuil Buddha Sasana Daja
49 Bombay Street, Lidcombe NSW 2141.
Tel: (02) 9649-8124
Dengan kebaikan
Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
JH Yip Management Sdn Bhd
ReplyDeleteSuite 3.43, Kompleks Desa, Jalan Kepong,, 52100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, 51200 Phone:03-6274 5352
Ketua Belia MCA Gombak YIP JIUN HANN,
Berkenaan bapa U (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA GOMBAK) bertiga, Empat Isteri dan kaya, itu hal U sendiri,
Mengapa U cuba Menbangkitkan Nama NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. bagi menburukkan nama kebaikannya. U cuba ingat memalukan Muslim?
Yip Jiun Hann, U bukan Muslim kami harap jangan menyetul hal Agama Muslim dan kebaikan NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W.
Kalau tidak kami akan ajar U seperti perkara yang terjadi di U.S.A
Forwarded by Kong
Dear All MCA Members in respect,
ReplyDeleteThat Yip Kum Fook of head Gombak and Yip Jiun Hann MCA Youth chief Gombak or father and son trying to grab the High Committee MCA party on this December
We hope that members of MCA party considering profuse, please not vote to people have two faces because their behaviour are very bad for Chinese community in Malaysia.
They used the power politic to cheating female, destroying others family , until the money SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KL ,and dare swallow money of Buddhist temple and Indian temple land in Taman Daya he was burning to getting rich for own greed.
If this kind of opportunist groups supported the MCA party and we believe that this MCA party will not grown forever.
To Whom It May Concern:
ReplyDeleteThe thrust of the Buddha Dhamma is not directed to the creation of new political institutions and establishing political arrangements. Basically, it seeks to approach the problems of society by reforming the individuals constituting that society and by suggesting some general principles through which the society can be guided towards greater humanism, improved welfare of its members, and more equitable sharing of resources.
On the other hand, may be Datuk Yip Kum Fook father of Buddha because he can have played dirty politics inside Buddhist Temple (SANMAK SAMBODHI) at No: 19-21 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. If Buddha alive, Buddha will shout of his father because of is very low knowledge. WHY people at that Buddhist Temples are very stupid to selected leader crook’s human.
However, this does not mean that Buddhists cannot or should not get involved in the political process, which is a social reality. The lives of the members of a society are shaped by laws and regulations, economic arrangements allowed within a country, institutional arrangements, which are influenced by the political arrangements of that society. Nevertheless, if a Buddhist wishes to be involved in politics, he (Datuk Yip Kum Fook) should not misuse religion to gain political powers, nor is it advisable for those who have renounced the worldly life to lead a pure, religious life to be actively involved in politics.
Brickfields, KL.
ReplyDeleteWe've all heard the phrase “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” We hear it so often many people take it as truth. And while cheating is never an excusable offense, this old adage is not necessarily true. Serial cheaters are often narcissists or people that are turned on by dishonesty
ReplyDeleteBeing cheated on cannot only affect your self-esteem and self-worth; it can also affect the way you treat those around you. ... It can unknowingly affect every aspect of your life including how you treat your children and other family members, friends, co-workers and even the most casual of relationships.”
Getting cheated on is one of the most devastating and damaging things that can happen in a person's life. It can lead to emotional distress, anxiety, depression, an increase in risk-taking behavior and actual physical pain. A partner's infidelity can even change our brain chemistry
By Bro Lee, Buddhist Vihara Kuala Lumpur
Dear brother and sister,
ReplyDeleteI am Myanmar who working in Malaysia more than 10 years and I would like to explain about SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION. Therefore, recently I stayed at Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary (SBS), Taiping, Perak. I am very close with Ven. U Nandiya Maha Thero.
My monk Ven. U Nandiya is very good heart and compassion to everyone in the world, also I heard when he stayed at Kuala Lumpur Buddhist Temple, he lends donation money to President of Temple (Datuk Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak) with amount RM20,000.00 only and he said that money belong to Myanmar society in Malaysia.
On the other hand, my monk said, also many things happened when he stayed there because committees always disturbing, I am very sadly about that matter, why committees are very poor and crooks. Others Temple, people come to Temple to respected Buddha and Monks, also give red packet to monks. Why this Temple, monks must give money to committees, this is opposite.
If anyone receive or read this message, please inform to DATUK YIP KUM FOOK to return that amount to my monk as soon as possible.
My monk contact place:
Ven. U Nandiya
Sasana Daja Buddhist Temple
49 Bombay Street, Lidcombe NSW 2141.
Tel: (02) 9649-8124
With kindness
Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
We will take action to help you…Master
Ok my son is lawyer
Ah Wah Selayang (017-2218183) said...” mca Gombak” Yip Kum Fook and his groups (Two police, Yap Kok Hwee, Low Kok Meng, and the others) came and rejected all the Buddhist monks at Buddhist Temple(Samnak Sambodhi), 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong...all monks must leave from Temple because Yip Kum Fook used police and Gangster to disturbed all the monks...Many people get angry with YIP KUM FOOK
ReplyDeleteNow many Buddhist people don’t like MCA because Yip Kum Fook created dirty for Buddhists and MCA. Hope MCA members and Buddhist people to care of human-like Yip Kum Fook, if you would like to know more information, please contact Ah Wah(Selayang)
I scolded him like that. Then the lawyer (YIP KUM FOOK) is not satisfy with me and he told me that he will called the police to come to the Temple and arrest me. I told him to go ahead and called the police to come and arrest me. I won’t run away, I said to him like that. I have done nothing wrong toward you, why you want to arrest me? He said, he doesn’t like me to stay here. I asked him, why? Again. After this he got very angry with me, then he phoned up to the police and the police came to the Temple and told me to leave the Temple.
ReplyDeleteThen I phoned up to the chief monk again and I told him that the inspector insisted want to arrest me, you better come back to settle the case for me. After this incident, Chief Monk came back to the Temple and take me to go to another temple and stay there. That’s all about this incidents! Last of all, I would like to inform all of you, that no committees or the chairman can control all the monks and Nuns at all also UNDERSTAND? “They are higher than the King,” also! So how can the laymen, the committees and the chairman to control them: – EVEN THE KING ALSO RESPECTED THE MONKS AND NUNS. Why the chairman doesn’t respect the monks and nuns? They will carry the sins later on, UNDERSTAND?
By Ven. Phra Piya Thammo
Penang, Malaysia
Denda RM40,000 palsukan tandatangan [METROTV]
ReplyDeleteKuala Lumpur: Seorang jurutera syarikat perunding pembinaan didenda RM40,000 oleh Mahkamah Sesyen di sini selepas mengaku bersalah terhadap pertuduhan memalsukan tandatangan.
Hakim Azura Alwi menjatuhkan hukuman itu ke atas Toh Hwee Sheng, 46, dan memerintahkannya dipenjara enam bulan jika gagal membayar denda.
Toh didakwa dengan curangnya menggunakan suatu dokumen sebagai tulen iaitu satu buku 'Structure Design Calculation' bertarikh 2 Ogos 2014 berhubung kiraan struktur dan pelan struktur bagi cadangan membina banglo dua setengah tingkat di atas Lot PT 1, No 1, Jalan 5, Selayang Baru, Mukim Batu, Gombak, Majlis Perbandaran Selayang daripada Lieng Consult kepada Datuk Yip Kum Fook(penipu) iaitu pemilik tanah yang mana mempunyai sebab untuk mempercayai dokumen itu adalah palsu antara 2 Ogos sehingga 12 Ogos 2014 di No 2A & B, Jalan 53, Desa Jaya Kepong, di sini.
Dia dituduh mengikut Seksyen 471 Kanun Keseksaan yang memperuntukkan hukuman penjara maksimum dua tahun dan denda atau kedua-duanya sekali jika sabit kesalahan.
Pegawai Pendakwa Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Mohd Aliff Shaharuzaman memohon hukuman setimpal supaya memberi pengajaran kepada tertuduh kerana amalan pemalsuan dan meniru tandatangan pemilik syarikat.
"Kesalahan ini adalah serius dan menjadi barah dalam masyarakat jika tidak ditangani," katanya.
Tertuduh yang tidak diwakili peguam merayu supaya hanya hukuman denda dikenakan dan tidak dipenjara kerana mempunyai banyak tanggungan selain isteri seorang surirumah.
"Saya tiada niat memperdayakan pihak Majlis Perbandaran Selayang dan hanya mencari pendapatan buat keluarga.
"Ini kesalahan pertama saya dan saya menyesal serta insaf atas kesalahan dilakukan," katanya.
Mengikut fakta kes, pada 2013, Datuk Yip Kum Fook iaitu bekas Ahli Majlis Perbandaran Selayang mengarahkan syarikat tertuduh bekerja, Lieng Consult menyediakan Borang A, Kiraan Struktur dan Pelan Struktur bagi cadangan membina banglo dua setengah tingkat di atas Lot PT 1, No 1, Jalan 5, Selayang Baru, Mukim Batu, Gombak.
Bagaimanapun, penyediaan dokumen itu adalah tanpa pengetahuan Lieng Wei Ming selaku pemilik syarikat.
Lieng memaklumkan semua dokumen itu tidak dikeluarkan syarikatnya dan mengesahkan tandatangan pada dokumen itu juga bukan miliknya.
Selain itu, tertuduh juga menerima wang RM10,000 daripada Yip Kum Fook(penipu) atas pembayaran kerja dilakukan iaitu menyediakan semua dokumen itu.
Hasil semakan Bahagian Forensik SPRM mengesahkan tandatangan dokumen 'Structure Design Calculation' adalah berbeza dengan spesimen tandatangan diambil daripada Lieng.
Dear brothers and sisters who love the Dharma
ReplyDeleteLet me tell you the history about SANNAK SAMBODHI, TAMAN DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR. Last time we were members of the temple but now we are very far apart because now the committee members are very proud of the activities or duties of the temple.
On the other hand, the current president of the temple is YIP KUM FOOK and son YIP JIUN HANN. His son always said to the devotees: THIS TEMPLE IS MY FATHER'S TEMPLE. Or is it my father's property…we are silent because We know this temple very well where it came from...
Now the members of the temple committees are their only group. Others cannot join as members and use Myanmar monks only for service and blessing. Only Myanmar monks are very smart (All monks from Myanmar have the rank of DR or PH. D), but the disciples(devotees) here are very confused because the disciples here have never heard of that name(titles).
If we understand the teachings of Buddhism that creates BAD KARMA. will receive what has been done
by the previous committee
Samnak Sambodhi, Desa Jaya, Kepong, KL
Ketua Belia MCA Gombak YIP JIUN HANN,
ReplyDeleteBerkenaan bapa U (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA GOMBAK) bertiga, Empat Isteri dan kaya, itu hal U sendiri,
Mengapa U cuba Menbangkitkan Nama NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. bagi menburukkan nama kebaikannya. U cuba ingat memalukan Muslim?
Yip Jiun Hann, U bukan Muslim kami harap jangan menyetul hal Agama Muslim dan kebaikan NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W.
Kalau tidak kami akan ajar U seperti perkara yang terjadi di U.S.A
Kami Yang Benar,
MCA Youth chief Gombak YIP JIUN HANN,
Concerned father U (YIP KUM FOOK, Gombak MCA) three, four wives and rich, the case U itself,
Yip Jiun Hann, U are not Muslims we please don't touch of Muslim's religion and the good thing Prophet MUHAMMAD S.A.W.
Why U try generate name of PROPHET MUHAMMAD S.A.W. for bad name of benefits. U try to remember the shameful of Muslim?
If not, we'll teach U such things happen in the USA
Our sincerely,
Dear brothers and sisters into the Dhamma
ReplyDeleteWe would like to inform all Buddhists in Malaysia about YIP KUM FOOK who is the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. Buddhists have to follow any precepts rules but YIP KUM FOOK there is nothing any precepts rules in Buddhism, it is very embarrassing.
Also, he called the police to harass the Buddhist monks at the temple. Adding he cheated Myanmar monk’s money, many people know about it.
On the other hand, this YIP KUM FOOK did not feel ashamed and embarrassed of the Buddha, he thought, he was a very successful person, also he is dirty in MCA politics
Thank you so much and please share with all
Mr fong, kajang
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 ruined Buddhist monks in Malaysia for kicking monks from Buddhist temple, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong but he will accept his karma in the future, his life will collapse soon
ReplyDeleteHe is one of the Mara to disturbed Buddhist monks, all the monks come to practice Dhamma in the Temple, and you (DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福) is the president of the temple, why do not you understand the Buddha's teachings. People donate some money to build a temple for the Buddhist monks to practice meditation, not for you to play politics in the temple
Now will everyone know about you, you are destroying and harassing Buddhist monks, you will embarrass from your MCA, bar association, Buddhist association, friends and so on
We know the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE (吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝), is very good with the foundation monks but the committee members are very proud of themselves
Buddhist Kepong group(Brother Yap)
wahai semua penganut agama Buddha,
ReplyDeleteYIP KUM FOOK (MCA Gombak) adalah kesilapan yang paling besar kerana dia menghalau sami dari Kuil Buddha (SAMNAK SAMBODHI) Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur ... dia tidak tahu bahawa kuil itu diasaskan oleh Sami Buddha ini, dia hanya menjadi presiden kuil, dan sekarang ramai orang bercakap tentang apa yang dia lakukan dengan Sami Buddha.
Buddha adalah 2500 tahun yang lalu tetapi tidak pernah mendengar yang baru seperti itu, dia boleh berbuat seperti itu, semoga anda menghina dan memberontak kepada Buddhisme dan anda adalah relatif dan memusnahkan Buddha dalam kehidupan terdahulu... anda adalah jawatankuasa kuil tetapi tidak pernah tahu tentang ajaran Buddha sama sekali, jika anda tahu apa yang Buddha ajar, anda tidak akan melakukan perkara sedemikian atau perkara tersebut
YIP KUM FOOK (MCA Gombak) dan pasukan dia sangat gembira kerana mereka berjaya mengeluarkan Sami Buddha dari kuil Buddha tetapi anda tidak tahu apa yang akan berlaku di belakang, semua yang anda(mereka) lakukan akan tercatat dalam fikiran orang dan semuanya tidak dapat dipadamkan dari fikiran orang
kini kuil menjadi tempat pembuangan malang olih jawatankuasa, dan juga ramai penganut yang mengetahuinya, jadi penganut cina tempatan tidak berjalan di kuil, hanya penganut Myanmar sahaja yang masuk, mereka masuk kerana Sami Buddha Myanmar bermastautin di kuil.. jawatankuasa kuil mengupah mereka untuk menjaga kuil
Rakyat Desa Jaya, Kepong
Kini, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong adalah satu berita yang sangat buruk kerana salah seorang ahli politik melakukan kerja kotor di Kuil Buddha dan membawa sistem politik bermain di kuil sehingga ahli masyarakat lari dan presiden Kuil ini (Samnak Sambodhi). ) ialah Datuk Yip Kum Fook yang merupakan bekas pengerusi MCA di Taman Daya , Kepong dan pengerusi MCA Gombak
ReplyDeleteLelaki ini (Datuk Yip) selalu menelefon polis untuk menangkap sami Buddha dan menutup pintu Kaabah untuk tidak membenarkan sami Buddha masuk untuk menginap, semua sami Buddha terpaksa menyewa hotel untuk seketika...Mr Tan dan Kelemahan Encik Wah pada hari itu, pasukannya, samseng dan dua anggota polis datang mengganggu Ven. Phra Piyadhamma (Pulau Pinang atau bekas CID dari Singapura)
Sejak kejadian itu, ramai penganut meninggalkan kuil kerana di kuil, mereka melakukan perkara yang tidak baik, kini jawatankuasa mengambil sami Buddha Myanmar untuk berkhidmat kerana mereka tidak mengambil berat tentang masalah Kuil sebelum ini atau Datuk Yip Kum Fook...ini seorang yang sangat kotor kerana dia boleh menipu semua orang
Kini Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan pasukannya akan menderita dan terluka kerana ramai yang tahu apa yang berlaku...ada yang ramai tidak suka Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan dia akan tahu apakah dosa terbesar dalam agama Buddha?
Dikongsi oleh Ah Wah, Selayang Jaya
Datuk Yip Kum Fook is very stupid and very uneducated, and also a poor man because he was cheated of monk's money but soon he will suffer, his Kamma will come back to him in the near future, he doesn't know about the power of Buddhist monks....
ReplyDeleteHe likes to bad dirty to play with the Buddhist monks and he doesn't know that the monks are students of the great Buddhist teacher, also he can't erase what he did with the monks before...The Buddhist monks come to practice at the Temple but he call the police and gangsters to harass them until the monks have to leave the temple
This man (Datuk Yip) may be doing illegal things because he is a businessperson as a furniture store in Taman Daya, Kepong only but some say he has a lot of property in the Kepong area, now many are slandering him in various ways. Hope this new government needs to know about him
Maybe the property of the Temple is also his name because he did the documents for the temple, this man can't be trusted because his face is like a robber and like a thug...he took some Buddhist monks out of the temple until today, everything is not solved, why! Because Buddhist monks have their power
My name is ah Keong and the first committee member of Samnak Sambodhi(Taman Desa Jaya), we started a Temple in Taman Ehsan, Kepong with our Master and hope to share this message to everyone in Malaysia
Datuk Yip Kum Fook doesn't know himself about what he did in the past because he is so stupid like cows and uneducated...if educated people will understand more things....he is a lawyer but knowledge is not like a lawyer
ReplyDeleteThe team at LegalVision New Zealand or UK lawyers have confirmed for us that it will take seven years of college to become a lawyer. After high school, prospective lawyers will need to complete an undergraduate degree, which usually takes 4 years. After that comes law school – another 3 years. Finally, law students need to complete their state’s bar exam to be licensed and start practicing as a lawyer.
For students in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, there’s less time spent at university, but more time spent doing practical work experience. In both cases, becoming a lawyer involves a lot of training.
which my son studied as a lawyer for more than six years and we spent a million more on him, now he is the boss of lawyers in Malaysia, today we are happy and confident that he can succeed because unlike Datuk Yip Kum Fook (he) cheated a title lawyer to get money from the public
Sharing by M C Chan, Kepong
margeemar: pro umno mca is anti buddhist in malaysia
有关马來西亜,吉隆坡,甲洞帝沙再也 (暹寺) 三宝寺 Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Association No.19-21 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 所发生的纠纷, 经过阅读了,Venerable Phra Piya Thammo 和尚及叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook) 的双方书信之后, 再经实地旁听了觧,做为中间人,我要客观实事的说:
1.当一个和尚、初出道 (小学生),在修行, 若有缺点, 那是难免.他马华公会鹅唛區会主地席叶金福律师(Yip Kum Fook),却心眼看不顺,就电招警万到耒佛教之圣地要扣畄和尚耒耻唇出家人, 这是绝对不许可, 除非是殺人放火之大罪悪.
2.他身为马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook),却反其道而行, 在佛寺不依佛法而軽视佛教的精神, 以傲慢的手段,帶领一般黑社会的人耒挑衅和尚打架, 这也是不该有、更不是佛教修行者的行为.
3.佛教的圣地, 其主要的目地, 是让眾生修佛道, 不是政治争執的地方. 他马华公会鹅唛区会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook), 却利用佛教之圣地当政治活动的场所。如此果敢冒犯佛陀的教誨,更是大大的罪悪。
囯有囯章,彿有佛法,家有家规. 如果出家人有何不对之处, 他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook), 为何不向主持和尚投?让出家人自依和尚的條规处理、却强权一味要显示他是马华公会鹅唛区会及三宝寺理事会主席, 无法无天的应用霸道手段践踏佛教之圣地.为什么。。。。。为什么.
至今, 他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook),不当不歉愧,还要狡辩, 这又证明了他说一套, 做的又是另一套, 囗是心非, 所谓的两舌, 相当阴险. 身为律师, 受高深教育, 却应用如此悪毒, 横蛮无礼的作风污辱和尚, 相等于是耻辱佛教伩仰者。他叶金福律师(Yip Kum Fook)不向主持和尚投诉, 却自承英雄,电招外耒者.请问,身为將近20年的三宝寺主持和尚兼顾问,也是第一位 自筹建寺的大功臣,在大马南傳泒中,是闻名遐邇的高僧.其脸要放在那裡?同样的,要是台湾星雲大师的佛寺沙彌犯錯, 理事会没有礼貌自作主张,电招警方要扣畄其沙彌.我敢请问!星雲大师的自尊是怎样的感受?他叶金福律师(Yip Kum Fook)是后耒者,担任理会主席也不久, 竟敢应用如此,目无尊長的方式对待住持,间接的就是告大家,强迫住持和尚必远離,雀巢鸠要佔。这种用心不良, 有老千之谋, 的确令人不敢恭维。
縱观以上几项重点,我不是盲目的護持三宝, 而是要坦白的说;他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook) 身受高深教育, 为律师者,本应通情达理才是,但遗憾的是, 却令人惊觉, 他厡耒就是彿书裡所讲的狡猾且残忍的此颣人。他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook),利用他的专业知識, 懂得包裝自己的道德守則,以宗教为幌子手,到处募款,商业经营, 政治活动为重, 并没依循佛教宗教守则行事, 也没对人道作出任何貢献, 只不过借宗教之名捞取权和私利而己。
在此, 我奉劝, 他马华公会鹅唛区会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook), 好自为之, 免因果報应.
ah thiam
Datuk YIP KUM FOOK ini adalah pemikiran yang sangat kotor dan idea yang buruk, selalu menipu di Kepong...dia mengeluarkan Sami Buddha dari Samnak Sambodhi(Taman Desa Jaya) dan dia menggunakan polis dan gangster untuk mengganggu Sami Buddha di Kuil.
ReplyDeleteDia menghalang ahli jawatankuasa pengasas Kuil juga, ini adalah karma yang sangat buruk dalam agama Buddha, dan sekarang dia sangat menderita kerana semua penganut Buddha tahu tentang apa yang berlaku di Kuil, ramai orang berkata, dia bersembunyi di rumah yang keseorangan.
Dia menghina ajaran Buddha dengan berbohong....dia juga menipu wang daripada sami Buddha Myanmar (Ven. U Nandiya) lebih kurang Rm20,000.00. ini terlalu teruk karma, kini Kuil Buddha Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, hampir ditutup kerana diboikot oleh penganut Buddha
Penganut agama Buddha di Malaysia perlu berhati-hati, kenapa kerana siapa ahli jawatankuasa yang tidak tahu ajaran agama Buddha, Datuk YIP KUM FOOK merupakan latar belakang, bermain politik, dan ahli perniagaan menjual perabot di Taman Daya Kepong.
Simon Low Kok Meng adalah adik ipar kepada Datuk Yip Kum Fook, lelaki ini sangat berbahaya, dan selalu membawa berita kepada Datuk Yip Kum Fook, sesiapa yang mengenalinya, sila jauhi dia, Simon Low tinggal di Taman. Daya, Kepong
Dari Nick Chong, Kepong
Kami ingin memaklumkan kepada semua orang di kawasan Kepong & Selayang tentang keberadaan Datuk Yip Kum Fook, kerana lelaki ini sangat jahat dan menipu orang semasa menjadi pengerusi MCA di Taman Daya, Kepong...dia memang bangga dengan diri sendiri dan terganggu mereka yang berniaga kecil-kecilan seperti menjual makanan di tepi jalan, dia selalu menelefon DBKL untuk mengganggu orang dan meminta wang.
ReplyDeleteKami faham kenapa anda perlukan wang kerana anda hanya menjalankan kedai perabot di sudut Taman Daya berhampiran Taman Desa Jaya....anda dapat duit dari orang ramai dan mengganggu mereka tanpa segan silu dari Allah (Tuhan)
Sekarang ramai orang menyiarkan dan berkongsi maklumat anda di laman web internet supaya semua orang tahu tentang anda tetapi memberi wang kepada seseorang untuk memadamnya, adalah pemikiran yang buruk dalam ajaran agama.
Rumah aku dekat rumah Simon Low Kok Meng dan kedai perabot kau, tempat tu kuil Hindu tapi kau bakar habis, kuil Hindu kena pindah ke lokasi lain.
Dari …Fatt, kedai makan, Jalan besar kepong
We want to inform everyone about Datuk Yip Kum Fook or former MCA Chairman Gombak and Taman Daya, Kepong.....he deceived everyone there, he doesn't care who you are, and he did bad things (why is he living well), maybe he is not mature enough, one day he will be mature enough he will collapse.
ReplyDeleteOur Chinese people always say that Datuk Yip Kum Fook is like the brain of an animal because he does not know how to respect others if someone is friendly with him, soon he will lie or make trouble for people, and Datuk Yip Kum Fook is like a crocodile.
Datuk Yip Kum Fook was kicked out of the Buddhist temple, he thought the Buddhist monks could do nothing for him, he thought the Buddhist monks were stupid or uneducated, he committed crimes against the Buddhist monks, and he thought the Buddhist monks were forgetful.
We will help the Buddhist monk to tell the truth that Datuk Yip Kum Fook will suffer for ever in his life and his family will also live with suffering
Danny Wong, Taman Ehsan, Kepong
Datuk Yip Kum Fook (Peguam) bodoh kerana dia dan pasukannya menggunakan polis untuk mengganggu sami Buddha di Kuil jika dia seorang peguam sebenar, dia tidak akan melakukan perkara yang bodoh, dan sekarang ramai orang berkongsi dan bergosip tentangnya, dan dia tidak malu dengan manusia lain
ReplyDeleteRamai yang memperkatakan Datuk Yip Kum Fook sebagai syaitan yang sangat jahat, tolong kembalikan gelaran Datuk kepada Sultan Selangor, suatu hari nanti Sultan akan tahu, dan Sultan tidak menderita kerana gelaran Datuk diberikan kepada silap orang, Datuk Yip Kum Fook teruk sangat sebab menipu masyarakat
Dia juga menipu sijil peguamnya dan dia mahukan sijil peguam kerana mahu bermain politik, dia fikir tiada siapa yang tahu apa yang dia menipu orang, dan kini semua orang tahu dan berkongsi segala-galanya. dia dan abang iparnya (Simon Low Kok Meng) akan menderita dan akhirnya, mereka akan membunuh diri kerana tiada jalan keluar.
Kini Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan keluarganya adalah keluarga bahagia yang sangat kaya kerana tiada siapa yang mengganggu mereka, wang mereka datang dari menipu orang tetapi tidak lama lagi, wang itu akan membakar segala-galanya.
Sunny Chong, Taman Daya, Kepong
Datuk Yip Kum Fook membeli peguam bertauliah untuk bermain politik dan membuka pejabat guaman di Taman Desa Jaya (Berhampiran May Bank), Kepong, juga ramai yang ditipu olehnya, dan kini ramai yang tahu dia bukan peguam sebenar, dan Simon Low Kok Meng merupakan bantuan beliau dan Simon Low untuk mencari pelanggan untuk Datuk Yip Kum Fook
ReplyDeleteKita mesti bersama-sama menghapuskan orang-orang jahat ini dan kita boikot mereka, jika ada orang yang bertemu dengan mereka, jangan bergaul dengan mereka, orang-orang di hadapan kita ini sangat baik tetapi di belakang kita, mereka menjadi syaitan yang jahat.
Datuk Yip Kum Fook banyak berjasa kepada orang, dia juga menipu saudaranya, dia bukan orang dan dia adalah hantu kerana dia mempunyai banyak musuh dalam hidupnya, dan sekarang dia tidak mempunyai kawan.
Olih Mah Pik Min, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong
Harap-harap ada yang tak buat benda tak baik untuk sesiapa macam Datuk YIP KUM FOOK buat dan fikir betul-betul sebelum sakitkan hati sesiapa, kalau ada yang buat salah, mereka akan derita sampai mati sebab alam tak boleh memaafkan langsung.
ReplyDeleteDatuk YIP KUM FOOK seorang ulamak undang-undang tetapi kenapa boleh melakukan perkara yang tidak baik dalam masyarakatnya tanpa segan silu, saudara mara dan keluarga bagaimana menghadapi masyarakat Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, orang di Kepong sudah tidak dipercayai lagi.
Sekarang ramai yang berkongsi namanya dan apa yang dia lakukan di internet, ada yang sangat marah dan mengadu kepada beberapa ejen kerajaan. Orang di Taman Daya, sangat marah kepadanya
Dari Edwin low, Kepong Baru
Now the Buddhist Temple (Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong) belongs to a place where Myanmar people gather for weddings and night parties during holidays, where they usually drink alcohol and meat for their meals.
ReplyDeleteWe know very well and before I was on the committee of that Buddhist Temple but now we are not on the committee because the president (DATUK YIP KUM FOOK, LAWYER) changed the rules of the Temple, and some of us have to move in the other direction, DATUK YIP KUM FOOK is playing the Temple as politics and like his Temple
The second president of the Temple was Simon Low Kok Meng (Brother-in-law of Datuk Yip Kum Fook) he was very funny and silly, he had no name in the temple committee but he controlled the Temple, and he was not educated, probably not beyond a third-form education in Sg. Buluh, Selangor
Before the Taman Desa Jaya Buddhist temple, Kepong was very famous and many people knew everywhere because there were Sunday schools, Bahasa Malaysia tuition for those learning form five, and more activities to conduct, other religious programs.
Today the committee hires Myanmar monks for the Temple to carry out religious activities but some monks from Myanmar cannot speak English (Doctorate Level or PH.D), this is the Karma of the committee members to accept this, this is embarrassing for Buddhists.
Mr. Chuan, Market Desa, Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
Semua orang perlu berhati-hati dengan DATUK YIP KUM FOOK sekeluarga di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, dulu ramai yang curang, dan macam-macam orang yang curang, sekarang ramai yang tahu tentang itu.
ReplyDeleteKini Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong tidak lagi aman seperti dahulu, dan orang ramai di sana lebih risau kerana Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan polisnya, samseng, mengganggu orang ramai dan mengganggu masyarakat Cina kita.
Kadang-kadang, dia menggunakan DBKL untuk mengganggu mereka yang berniaga di Taman Desa Jaya (kawasan Kepong). Dia bermain drama, dan orang sangat baik di hadapan, tetapi di belakang tabir, orang sangat garang. Dia juga keluar masa malam untuk mencari makanan.
Simon Low Kok Meng (Taman Daya, Kepong) adalah seorang perisik dan membawa berita kepada Datuk Yip Kum Fook tetapi tidak ramai yang mengetahuinya, masyarakat Cina kita perlu berhati-hati dengan mereka
Dari Mr. Ong Seong Beng, Kepong